Connect your Wallet

Some of our features are only available once you connect a wallet. Connecting your wallet provides you complete access to the DexGuru platform, enabling you to:

  • Add tokens to your own Favorites list

  • Sync your Favorites list across all your devices (via connecting with the same wallet)

  • Buy and Sell tokens directly on DexGuru

  • Setup Price Alerts through Push Notifications

  • In-depth Analytics of Volume and Liquidity by DEX

  • And more... stay tuned, we have some cool features coming soon 😉

DexGuru is a fully non-custodial platform, so the assets in your wallet are always under your control.

Connect your wallet on desktop

Browser wallets such as Metamask

Click on a wallet icon at the top right corner

Choose Metamask

We use Signature Requests for authentication. By signing it, you prove that you have a private key for an address.

All set:


Note: To use WalletConect you need to disable or delete the MetaMask extension on the desktop browser because it causes conflicts with other wallet providers. Another option is to use Incognito mode.

Click on a wallet icon at the top right corner

Choose Walletconnect

Scan QR code from your screen with a WalletConnect-compatible wallet, and confirm a Signature Request. By signing it, you prove that you have a private key for an address.

All set:

Connect your wallet on mobile

You need to have your web3 wallet app installed on your phone. Go to your wallet app and look for the browser there. Now go to

Click on a wallet icon at the top right corner

Click on Metamask or Trustwallet

All set:

TrustWallet. Change Network

  1. Click on a wallet icon at the top right corner of Browser

  2. Choose Wallet Connect on Browser

  3. Scan the QR code on your screen with Trust Wallet App

  4. Select your wallet inside the app

  5. Select the Network inside the app

  6. Approve the signature request in the app

  7. Select "save and leave" in the app

  8. All done

Last updated